
Detailed Description

The drivers themselves.


 fixedtones (deprecated)
 The fixedtones driver provides access to sound hardware, via the Linux OSS interface.
 Analyze and produce audible tones with sound hardware.
 Controls mixer levels (volume, balance, etc) on sound hardware.
 ActivMedia color tracking system.
 Tracks shapes in camera images.
 Visual shape-detection.
 UPC barcode detection.
 Firewire camera capture.
 Image compression.
 Image file sequencer.
 Logitech Sphere camera.
 Video4Linux camera capture.
 Laser bar detector.
 Laser barcode detector.
 Extract line/corner features from a laser scan.
 Color laser/visual barcode detector.
 Black & white laser/visual barcode detector.
 Gazebo camera.
 Gazebo fiducial.
 Gazebo gripper.
 Gazebo laser.
 Gazebo position.
 Gazebo position3d.
 Gazebo power.
 Gazebo ptz.
 Gazebo simulation control.
 Gazebo sonar.
 Gazebo stereo camera.
 Gazebo truth.
 Gazebo wifi.
 Garmin GPS unit.
 Linux joystick.
 Laser configuration space.
 Attach poses to laser scans.
 Laser rescanner.
 SICK LMS 200 laser range-finder.
 SICK PLS laser range-finder.
 Hokuyo URG laser range-finder.
 Adaptive Monte Carlo localization.
 Fake localization.
 Grow obstacles in grid maps.
 Read grid maps from image files.
 Scale grid maps.
 Read vector maps from text files.
 Queue-based client-client communication.
 Botrics Obot mobile robot.
 Clodbuster mobile robot.
 CMUCam2 pan-tilt-zoom blob-tracking camera.
 Evolution ER1 mobile robot.
 The Garcia mobile robot.
 iRobot Roomba
 K-Team Khepera mobile robot.
 Nomadics NOMAD200 mobile robot.
 Nomadics NOMAD200 motors, odometry.
 Nomadics NOMAD200 sonar array.
 ActivMedia mobile robots.
 K-Team Kameleon Robotics Extension Board.
 RWI mobile robots.
 Segway RMP mobile robot.
 Wavefront-propagation path-planner.
 Ascension Flock of Birds position tracker.
 Bumper monitor.
 iSense InertiaCube2 IMU
 MicroStrain 3DM-G IMU.
 Vector Field Histogram local navigation algorithm.
 Amtec PowerCube pan-tilt unit.
 Canon VC-C4 pan-tilt-zoom camera.
 Directed Perceptions PTU-46-17.5 pan-tilt unit.
 Sony EVI-D30 and EVI-D100 pan-tilt-zoom cameras.
 Inside M300 RFID reader.
 Skyetek M1 RFID reader.
 Multicast DNS service discovery.
 Dummy driver.
 passthrough (deprecated)
 General-purpose proxy driver.
 Playback of logged data.
 Logging data.
 Festival speech synthesis system.
 Sphinx2 speech recognition system.
 Raw audio waveforms.
 Linux AODV ad hoc networking.
 Linux iwspy access.
 Linux WiFi devices.

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45