[Device proxies]

Detailed Description

The limb proxy provides an interface to limbs using forward/inverse kinematics, such as the ActivMedia Pioneer Arm.

See the Player User Manual for a complete description of the drivers that support this interface.


struct  playerc_limb_t
 Limb device data. More...


playerc_limb_tplayerc_limb_create (playerc_client_t *client, int index)
 Create a limb proxy.
void playerc_limb_destroy (playerc_limb_t *device)
 Destroy a limb proxy.
int playerc_limb_subscribe (playerc_limb_t *device, int access)
 Subscribe to the limb device.
int playerc_limb_unsubscribe (playerc_limb_t *device)
 Un-subscribe from the limb device.
int playerc_limb_get_geom (playerc_limb_t *device)
 Get the limb geometry. The writes the result into the proxy rather than returning it to the caller.
int playerc_limb_home_cmd (playerc_limb_t *device)
 Command the end effector to move home.
int playerc_limb_stop_cmd (playerc_limb_t *device)
 Command the end effector to stop immediatly.
int playerc_limb_setpose_cmd (playerc_limb_t *device, float pX, float pY, float pZ, float aX, float aY, float aZ, float oX, float oY, float oZ)
 Command the end effector to move to a specified pose.
int playerc_limb_setposition_cmd (playerc_limb_t *device, float pX, float pY, float pZ)
 Command the end effector to move to a specified position (ignoring approach and orientation vectors).
int playerc_limb_vecmove_cmd (playerc_limb_t *device, float x, float y, float z, float length)
 Command the end effector to move along the provided vector from its current position for the provided distance.
int playerc_limb_power (playerc_limb_t *device, uint enable)
 Turn the power to the limb on or off. Be careful when turning power on that the limb is not obstructed from its home position in case it moves to it (common behaviour).
int playerc_limb_brakes (playerc_limb_t *device, uint enable)
 Turn the brakes of all actuators in the limb that have them on or off.
int playerc_limb_speed_config (playerc_limb_t *device, float speed)
 Set the speed of the end effector (m/s) for all subsequent movement commands.

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45