PlayerCc::SonarProxy Class Reference

#include <playerc++.h>

Inherits PlayerCc::ClientProxy.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The SonarProxy class is used to control a sonar device.

The most recent sonar range measuremts can be read from the range attribute, or using the the [] operator.

Public Member Functions

 SonarProxy (PlayerClient *aPc, uint aIndex=0)
 ~SonarProxy ()
uint GetCount () const
 return the sensor count
double GetScan (uint aIndex) const
 return a particular scan value
double operator[] (uint aIndex) const
 This operator provides an alternate way of access the scan data. For example, SonarProxy[0] == SonarProxy.GetRange(0).
uint GetPoseCount () const
 Number of valid sonar poses.
player_pose_t GetPose (uint aIndex) const
 Sonar poses (m,m,radians).
void RequestGeom ()
 Request the sonar geometry.

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Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45