PlayerCc::PlannerProxy Class Reference

#include <playerc++.h>

Inherits PlayerCc::ClientProxy.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The PlannerProxy proxy provides an interface to a 2D motion planner.

Public Member Functions

 PlannerProxy (PlayerClient *aPc, uint aIndex=0)
 ~PlannerProxy ()
void SetGoalPose (double aGx, double aGy, double aGa)
 Set the goal pose (gx, gy, ga).
void RequestWaypoints ()
 Get the list of waypoints. Writes the result into the proxy rather than returning it to the caller.
void SetEnable (bool aEnable)
 Enable/disable the robot's motion. Set state to true to enable, false to disable.
uint GetPathValid () const
 Did the planner find a valid path?
uint GetPathDone () const
 Have we arrived at the goal?
double GetPx () const
 Current pose (m).
double GetPy () const
 Current pose (m).
double GetPz () const
 Current pose (m).
double GetGx () const
 Goal location (radians).
double GetGy () const
 Goal location (radians).
double GetGz () const
 Goal location (radians).
double GetWx () const
 Current waypoint location (m).
double GetWy () const
 Current waypoint location (m).
double GetWz () const
 Current waypoint location (m).
uint GetCurrentWaypoint () const
 Current waypoint index (handy if you already have the list of waypoints). May be negative if there's no plan, or if the plan is done.
uint GetWaypointCount () const
 Number of waypoints in the plan.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45