PlayerCc::LaserProxy Class Reference

#include <playerc++.h>

Inherits PlayerCc::ClientProxy.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The LaserProxy class is used to control a laser device.

The latest scan data is held in two arrays: ranges and intensity. The laser scan range, resolution and so on can be configured using the Configure() method.

Public Member Functions

 LaserProxy (PlayerClient *aPc, uint aIndex=0)
 ~LaserProxy ()
uint GetCount () const
 Number of points in scan.
double GetScanRes () const
 Angular resolution of scan (radians).
double GetRangeRes () const
 Range resolution of scan (mm).
double GetMaxAngle () const
 Scan range for the latest set of data (radians).
double GetMinAngle () const
 Scan range for the latest set of data (radians).
player_point_2d_t GetPoint (uint aIndex) const
 Scan data (Cartesian): x,y (m).
double GetRange (uint aIndex) const
 get the range
double GetIntensity (uint aIndex) const
 get the intensity
void Configure (double aMinAngle, double aMaxAngle, uint aScanRes, uint aRangeRes, bool aIntensity)
 Configure the laser scan pattern. Angles min_angle and max_angle are measured in radians. scan_res is measured in units of $0.01^{\circ}$; valid values are: 25 ($0.25^{\circ}$), 50 ($0.5^{\circ}$) and $100 (1^{\circ}$). range_res is measured in mm; valid values are: 1, 10, 100. Set intensity to true to enable intensity measurements, or false to disable.
void RequestConfigure ()
 Get the current laser configuration; it is read into the relevant class attributes.
void RequestGeom ()
 Get the laser's geometry; it is read into the relevant class attributes.
player_pose_t GetPose ()
 Accessor for the pose (fill it in by calling RequestGeom).
player_bbox_t GetSize ()
 Accessor for the size (fill it in by calling RequestGeom).
double MinLeft ()
double MinRight ()
double operator[] (uint index) const
 Range access operator. This operator provides an alternate way of access the range data. For example, given an LaserProxy named lp, the following expressions are equivalent: lp.ranges[0], lp.Ranges(0), and lp[0].

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Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45